“There’s a Shot of Canadian Whisky in Every Painting”

Who We Are?
The Canadian Whisky Painters are a group of individual Canadian Plein Air Painters, Urban Sketchers and/or Studio Painters. When left to our own devices, we paint using our individual choice of media, paint in different styles and pursue our own creative interests. However, when painting and/or showing as ‘Canadian Whisky Painters’, we only use water media such as watercolour or goauche.

What We Paint?
The Whisky Paintings we show and sell are no bigger than 4″x6″ (image size), done to the best of our ability, using artist quality paints on acid free paper. These little gems may be painted ‘en plein air’, at street side, in a field, or coffee shop, pub, and even in studio.

A Bit About Whisky Painting
Whisky Painting was originally 'defined' by Joe Ferriot, and American businessman, artist, and owner of a Plastics Mfg. firm. Joe and his love of sketching while on trips was instrumental in the formation of the 'Whiskey Painters of America'.
You can read that story here...
Although we're not affiliated with the American group, our story has the basic elements of theirs. At different times, we've all inadvertently dipped our brushes into our drinks, whether it be water, wine, beer or whisky.
A Bit About the Spelling of Whisky
Interestingly, there are two ways to spell Whisky (or Whiskey), and probably quite a bit of confusion created as a result. I recently read a bit about this and learned a great way to remember who spells it which way.
The rule of thumb seems to be, if a Whisky/Whiskey producing country has an ‘e’ in its name, then it is spelled with an ‘e’ (Whiskey). If the country’s name doesn’t have an ‘e’ in it’s name, then there’s no ‘e’ (Whisky). When Whisky or Whiskey is used in the plural, the spelling is also different. Whisky becomes Whiskies, and Whiskey becomes Whiskeys.

Canadian Whisky Painters 2020 Exhibition
Coast Collective Art Centre
103 – 318 Wale Road
Colwood BC Canada V9B 0J8
February 12-23, 2020
Saturday, February 15, 1-4pm

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